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  • Writer's pictureJennifer

Roe v. Wade, Bar Prep, and More

Recently, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade...

The case that said we had the fundamental right to privacy and that extended to abortion rights. As such, we have seen the overturn of abortion rights across the country in a number of states and people with uteruses understandably worried about the future.

And sadly, this wasn't among the only thing the Supreme Court attacked this term.

We also lost the inability to sue if our Miranda Rights are violated (your Miranda Rights still exist and there are other remedies, but this is important), expansion of qualified immunity for police, striking down of a long standing test that was meant to protect the establishment of religion by letting a coach lead prayers in school, the striking down of a century old concealed carry law in New York, limitations on the Environmental Protection Agency as they tried to fight climate change. and a number of other cases.

Over all, it sucks and a lot of people are very upset (myself included). Especially when we know it means we could see other rights over turned like gay marriage, access to contraception, and a return of sodomy laws.

And it means that the things I am learning for taking the Bar at the end of this month to become an attorney aren't actual law.

Whether you are donating to your local abortion fund, pushing for reasonable limitations on gun ownership, fighting climate change, or just trying to safely exist in what is over a two year pandemic, you're not alone.

I've been using my art as a one of the ways to cope dealing with this shit (as seen below).

Wish me luck on the bar, I suppose.

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